Residential Customers
If you are paying for electricity on Time-of-Use (TOU) prices, your Milton Hydro bill will look similar to this sample bill.
Milton Hydro's New Time-of-Use Utility Bill Design as of August 14, 2024
The newly redesigned bill format will launch on August 14, 2024. It prioritizes a cleaner more updated look that highlights key information in easy to locate modules with more visual cues with icons and larger titles.
Click on the image to see a larger version. The corresponding key of information is below the images.

Milton Hydro's Old Time-of-Use Utility Bill Format for Reference
The top portion of the bill is returned with your payment. The lower three quarters of your statement provide a detailed summary of your account that you should hold on to for your records.
- Customer Name
If you are the person receiving this invoice, this is where you will see your name and mailing information.
- Amount Due
Displays the total amount of due and payments due date. Your Milton Hydro invoice is required to be paid in full on or before your due date. Milton Hydro offers many convenient methods of payment; pre-authorized chequing, credit card, telephone or internet banking, in person at most banks and financial institutions, mail, or drop it off at our deposit box. To avoid interest charges, please ensure you allow sufficient time for the payment to reach us by the due date. This time may vary depending on how you pay your bill.
- Summary Table
Summarizes items like account number, name, address, account types, amount due, and due date.
- Payment History
Displays previous balance, previous payment amount, date, and balance forward (if applicable).
- Your Invoice Charges
Definitions of these charges can be found on the back of the bill, and below in the Glossary of Terms.
- Consumption History Chart
This comparison illustrates up to the previous 13 months of consumption allowing you to easier compare current usage with previous month's usage.
- Message Boxes
Important messaging can be found in these boxes.
- Meter Information Summary Table
Summarizes all meter related data including meter number, reading period, days billed, meter readings, and usage.
- Electricity Charge Breakdown
Notes which Regulated Rate Plan (RPP) is applied to the account and summarizes the usage charges.
Glossary of Terms
This is the cost of the base electricity supplied to you during this billing period and is the part of the bill that is subject to competition.
These are the costs of delivering electricity from generating stations across the Province to Milton Hydro then to your home or business. This includes the costs to build and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers and poles and operate the provincial and local electricity systems.
A portion of these charges are fixed and do not change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or decrease depending on the amount of electricity that you use.
The delivery charge also includes costs relating to electricity lost through distributing electricity to your home or business*. Milton Hydro collects this money and pays this amount directly to our suppliers.
*When electricity is delivered over a power line, it is normal for a small amount of power to be consumed or lost as heat. Equipment, such as wires and transformers, consume power before it gets to your home or business.
Regulatory Charges
Regulatory charges are the costs of administering the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of the provincial grid and include the costs associated with funding Ministry of Energy conservation and renewable energy programs.
Global Adjustment
Electricity generators in Ontario receive a combination of payments from the operation of the wholesale market, payments set by regulation and payments under contracts. Your portion of the net adjustments arising from these and other authorized payments is included on your bill as the Global Adjustment. For customers being billed under the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) the global adjustment is included in the RPP prices under the Electricity Charges.
RPP Settlement
Consumers leaving the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) pay or receive the difference between the RPP price and the actual price of electricity paid to generators for their consumption over the past 12 months.